News 29/10/2020“Women’s History Week” at ISCTE 22/10/2020Roundtable “Gender and Design Education”, University of Copenhagen 22/10/2020W@ARCH.PT in the presentation of ISCSP Research Centers 21/10/2020Nuestras Arquitectas (Our Women Architects): call for Photography Competition 15/10/2020“Women in Architecture” documentary (2019) 14/10/2020Call for papers to V CIAG | ACÇÃO! New deadline: November 15, 2020 13/10/2020Participacion in the Colloquim DMA, Housing, Pandemic, Research 30/09/2020Interview with Ana Torrão 30/09/2020V ICAG | Action! congress presented at the Seminar “Research in Feminist Design, Architecture and Urbanism” 30/09/2020“Urbanism with a Gender Perspective”, a session of Corações com Coroa 23/09/2020Lecture on Historiographies and Strategies at UFBA, Brazil 23/09/2020Interview with the architect Teresa Fonseca