The V International Congress Architecture and Gender | ACTION. Feminisms and the spatialization of resistances is the continuity of reflections organized since 2015 and mainly from southern Europe, enabling the construction of networks, research and transcontinental experiences. In this genealogy, with varied programs and themes, the previous congresses were ArquitectAs (2014, Seville), Matrices (2015, Lisbon), MORE(2017, Florence), and Fielding Architecture (2019, Brighton). The fifth edition emphasizes the political component of space and rights intersection, never forgetting the diversity of being a woman or a girl and the crossing with the current circumstances derived from the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 1995, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, adopted at IV World Conference on Women, was an essential event in the fixation of a political, strategic and global agenda, related to women’s rights and opportunities. Today, twenty-five years later, we witness the coexistence of public practices and progressist policies in parallel with severe losses and silences. To reflect, discuss and propose, critical and collectively, theories, strategies and practices, become urgent. Through an expanded and interdisciplinary stance, we call for a focus on resistances, anchored by intersectional feminisms – necessarily post-colonial and decolonial –, and women and non-normative people’s rights, revindications, wishes and aspirations.
Throughout the world, in diverse socio-cultural and professional spheres, several struggles against patriarchy, racism and capitalism are organized collectively. From bodies to global territories, in local and transnational contexts, space strands’ understanding and action are fundamental answers to discriminations, marginalization and absence of rights. Starting from resistance dynamics in the production and appropriation of territories, cities, architectures and objects, we are especially looking for contributions placed as purposive actions in the spatialization of rights. In the context of the recent pandemic of COVID-19, critical reflections will be highlighted and situated about, on the one hand, affecting and changing of women’s lives in private and public spheres and, on the other hand, what are the possibilities for the territories that we inhabit.
Among others, this congress intends to discuss and act, in a critical reflection framework, on the following topics:
- Equality between women and men and their spatial dimensions with diverse scales (body – house – city – macro territory);
- Climate justice and (eco)feminists spatial praxis in the territorial embodiment of equality and women and girls’ roles in effectively defending territories and the planet;
- Professional practices as feminist emancipatory processes of architectures, cities and spaces in a broad sense;
- History, stories and feminist methodologies in the construction of amplified narratives; and
- Spatial pedagogies – territorial, urban, architectural, among others – as alternative models with transformative potential.
Given the current circumstances, the congress will be held in virtual format.
Executive committee
Patrícia Santos Pedrosa (Chair, CIEG/ISCSP, ULisboa)
Clara Oliveira (CIEG/ISCSP, ULisboa)
Eliana Sousa Santos (CES, UCoimbra)
Lia Gil Antunes (CIEG/ISCSP, ULisboa)
Luísa Paiva (ULHT)
João Sequeira (Deca-UBI)
Maria Helena Souto (IADE)
Scientific committee
Ana María Fernández García (Historia del Arte y Musicología, University of Oviedo)
Carmen Espegel Alonso (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Daniela Arias Laurino (Un día/Una arquitecta)
Eliana Sousa Santos (Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra)
Inés Moisset (CONICET – Universidad de Buenos Aires. Instituto de la Espacialidad Humana, Buenos Aires. Argentina)
Inés Novella
Jane Rendell (Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL)
João Paulo Martins (FAUL and CIAUD, Universidade de Lisboa)
João Sequeira (CIAUD-UBI / LabART)
Jorge Figueira (Darq and Centro de Estudos Sociais, Universidade de Coimbra)
Justine Clark (Parlour: women, equity, architecture and University of Melbourne, Australia)
Lori Brown (Syracuse University, USA)
Luísa Paiva (ULHT)
Margarida Queirós (IGOT and Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Universidade de Lisboa)
Maria Helena Souto (IADE, Universidade Europeia)
Prof. Dr. Mary Pepchinski (Chair of Architecture and Society, Technical Universit Dresden – until February 2021)
Nuria Alvarez Lombardero (Architectural Association School of Architecture, London)
Paola Zellner (School of Architecture + Design, Virginia Tech, USA)
Patrícia Anahory (Independent architect, educator and curator)
Patrícia Orfila Reis (Universidade Federal do Tocantins, Palmas, Brazil)
Patrícia Santos Pedrosa (CIEG/ISCSP-Universidade de Lisboa and UBI)
Ruth Verde Zein (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil)
Serafina Amoroso (Independent researcher)
Silvana Rubino (Departamento de História/IFCH/UNICAMP, Brazil)
Graphic Design
Margarida Ornelas
Madhavi Desai
Madhavi Desai is an architect, researcher, writer and a teacher. She was an adjunct faculty at CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India (1986-2018). She has had Research Fellowships from ICSSR, Delhi, the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture, MIT, USA, Sarai, Delhi and the Getty Foundation, USA. She is the co-author, author or editor of 7 books on Indian architecture. She has worked on gender and the built environment in India for 30 years. She is a member, nominating committee, the Berkeley-Rupp Professorship and Prize, U C Berkeley since 2012.
Dina Garzón
Dina Garzón is the co-founder and the coordinator of Red Ecofeminista, an international association, created in Madrid in 2012. She is a technical industrial engineer and has a Masters degree in Environmental Management and Renewable Energies. She worked in the department of European Projects of Agencia de Energia de Andaluzia, and with The Green Party in the European Parliament. She co-founded the ecofeminist cooperative Lasgaya, and currently works in the energy sector. She is the coordinator of the online course Ecofeminism. Thought, Culture & Praxis of the University of Valladolid, Spain.
Joice Berth
Joice Berth is an architect and urban planner, graduated from Nove de Julho University. She is an independent researcher and specialist in the right to the city, gender and racial relations, and a trained psychoanalyst. She is the author of the book Empoderamento, published within the collection Plural Feminisms edited by Jandaira Selo Sueli Carneiro for Editora Pólen, this book was translated to French in 2019 by Anacaona Editons.
Submission of original proposals must be done by EasyChair platform until November 15, 2020. The abstract should have 300 words as maximum, until 5 bibliographic references (APA format) and include the intended topic. Each person may submit at most one individual abstract and one in co-authorship, or two in co-authorship. The working languages of the congress are Portuguese, Spanish and English.
The publication of articles, validated for this purpose in a posterior blind peer review, is planned, in paper or online format.
Due to pandemic circumstances, the congress will take place in an online format.
Important deadlines
End of August: Open of Call for Abstracts
November 15: Submission of Abstracts > CLOSED!
December 15: Acceptance or rejection of Abstracts
December 15: Open of Early-Bird registration
February 28: End of Early-Bird registration and open of normal registration
March 15: 1st version of the Program
March 31: End of normal registration
Early April: Book of Abstracts and final program
Congress: 21, 22 and 23 April, 2021
For more information: w.arch.pt@iscsp-ulisboa.pt
Download Book o Abastracts
V CIAG Book of Abastracts
Poster pdf
Poster jpg
Registration is closed!
Phase 1 – Early-Bird: 60€ (general) / 30€ (students and middle and low income countries*) > until Februray 28, 2021
Phase 2 – Normal: 80€ (general) / 40€ (students and middle and low income countries*)
* Country categories according to the World Bank list: http://data.worldbank.org/country
Participant without paper – Early-Bird and normal: 30€
For more informations: w.arch.pt@iscsp.ulisboa.pt