News 27/10/2022Cidades Special Issue: Action! Feminisms and the spatialization of resistances 27/10/2022Interview with Women in Construction Published 13/10/2022Article “Las mujeres en la arquitectura de paisaje: un vacío histórico en América Latina y México” 10/10/2022Published Article: Teresa Assoreira’s House of OZ and the expansion of the modern 09/09/2022Participation in the 17th Docomomo International Conference 25/07/2022Master’s Dissertation “Condições de trabalho em Arquitetura na Beira Interior. Reflexões com Perspetiva de Género” 17/07/2022Entrevista à arquitecta Elisabeth Évora Nunes 18/06/2022Debate Architecture and Care: Eco-systems of Affection and Choreographies of Caring 13/06/2022Interview Visão: “Cities are built by men and for men.” 12/06/2022Interview with architect Maria Manuel Godinho de Almeida 12/05/2022Roundtable: Affordable housing, promotion and production 01/05/2022Research Stay at IAWA, Virginia Tech