News 30/10/2021What Women? What? When? Why not? Portuguese Architecture Seminar 28/10/2021Conference: Architecture, City and Women’s Rights 20/10/2021“Love: Caring for the Caregiver” Round Table at Iminente Festival 10/10/2021Patrícia Santos Pedrosa at Algarve International Conferences on Architecture | Order of Architects – SRAlgarve 20/09/2021Dissertation on Olga Quintanilha, by Maria João Pinheiro (Deca-UBI) 30/07/2021Article: «More Justice: A short essay» 25/07/2021Book of Abstracts of the V CIAG ACTION! 20/07/2021Interview with architect Margarida Valla 23/06/2021Obra Soprema: In conversation with… Patrícia Santos Pedrosa 18/06/2021Participation in the International Congress Optimistic Suburbia 2. Middle-Class Mass Housing Complexes 01/06/2021Interview at Roca Lisboa Gallery 28/05/2021W@ARCH.PT at the IX Anniversary of CIEG: Gender, Social and Technological Innovation