Library: new collections available for consultation

The library dedicated to studies on women and feminist studies in architecture continues to grow. New books and collections have arrived, written in different languages and from different parts of the globe.


Mary Pepchinski (2007). "Feminist Space: Exhibitions and Discourses Between Philadelphia and Berlin 1865-1912", Weimar : VDG, Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften.

Mary Pepchinski; Deutsches Architekturmuseum (2017). "Frau Architekt : seit mehr als 100 Jahren. Frauen im Architektenberuf / Over 100 years of women as professional architects", Tübingen : Wasmuth.

Hélène Frichot, Catharina Gabrielsson, Helen Runting (eds) (2017). "Architecture and Feminisms Ecologies, Economies, Technologies", Routledge.

Return to Porto to consult archives

We returned to Porto and dedicated an intense week of fieldwork, between 10 and 14 February 2020. We went to the library / archive of Faculty of Fine Arts (FBAUP), the archive of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) and the Marques da Silva Foudantion (FMS).

We thank those who received us so well: in FBAUP, Dra. Isabel Barroso; in FAUP, Dra. Teresa Godinho, and in FMS, the President Dra. Fátima Vieira, and their teams.