Roundtable "Gender and Design Education", University of Copenhagen

Today we participated as listeners at the round table "Gender and Design Education", promoted by the University of Copenhagen, with Tanja Jordan (project Female Forces, 2007-2010) and Catharina Nolin (Professor of Art History at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics, Stockholm University). This event took place as part of the research project "Women in Danish Architecture. A new history of gender and practice", coordinated by Svava Riesto e Henriette Steiner.

W@ARCH.PT in the presentation of ISCSP Research Centers

ISCSP-University of Lisbon hosted today a presentation session of the CAPP Research Center (Center for Administration and Public Policy) and CIEG (Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies) and its research projects, aimed at ISCSP doctoral and masters students. The W@ARCH.PT project was presented by the coordinator Patrícia Santos Pedrosa.