V ICAG ACTION! Registration is open!
We started the new year with the opening of registrations to the V International Congress on Architecture and Gender | ACTION! Feminisms and the spatialization of resistance.
Early-bird registrations will be open until February 28, 2021. Just click HERE and follow the instructions: register/login, choose the registration method and proceed with the payment.
We would love to have you with us virtually, between 21st and 23rd of April 2021, from Lisbon!
Interview with the architect Maria Emília Costa
To close the interviews in 2020, we talked today with the architect Maria Emília Costa. She told us about her personal, academic (ESBAL) and professional career, as the first architect in the Municipality of Oliveira de Azeméis.
We thank the architect Maria Emília for her generosity and for the time dedicated to this interview. We hope to meet soon!
Individual PhD scholarship to make women of the SAAL Process visible
The application for FCT's individual doctoral scholarship of the researcher of the W@ARCH.PT project, Lia Gil Antunes, was approved.
Entitled "Women in the SAAL Process (1974-1976): women architects and residents for the right to housing" and under the project W@ARCH.PT, critical historiographical research focuses on the Serviço Ambulatório de Apoio Local (Ambulatory Service of Local Support - SAAL), a housing process between 1974 and 1976 in Portugal, with a focus on the women who participated in it. The main objective is to understand who and what contributions have been made, on the one hand, by women architects and other professionals and, on the other hand, by women residents involved in the struggle for the right to housing. The depth of interdisciplinary knowledge about SAAL will be expanded and consolidated by making the roles of these women more visible. Research methods will focus on bibliographic review, documentary research and fieldwork. The exclusion and secondary role of women in the History of Architecture requires both a critical evaluation of official historiographical narratives and an anchoring of female characters as active historical subjects. The recovery of their lives and contributions foreshadowed both their actual existence in History and the construction of plural and diverse History of Architecture and Right to Housing.
The supervisors are Professor Jorge Figueira (Darq-UCoimbra) and Professor Patrícia Santos Pedrosa (CIEG / ISCSP-ULisbon and UBI). The host entity is CIEG, at ISCSP-ULisbon.
Thesis on women architects and architectural events in Portugal, by Ana Duarte (Deca-UBI)
The student of the Integrated Master in Architecture of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Beira Interior, Ana Filipa Casteleira Duarte, presented today the graduation thesis entitled “(in)Visibilities of Women Architects. Architecture events in Portugal, 2010-2019“.
Under the guidance of Professor Doutoura Patrícia Santos Pedrosa, Ana Duarte studied the presence and absence of architects and architects at architectural events in Portugal. The comparative research of two case studies – Garagem Sul do Centro Cultural de Belém and Casa da Arquitectura, between 2010 and 2019 – resulted in data systematization and an exhaustive mapping of architectural events and respective participants differentiated by gender.
Congratulations to Ana Duarte for the research and for her contribution to the writing of the History of Women in Architecture!
V ICAG ACTION! Closed call for papers
The submissions to the V International Congress on Architecture and Gender | ACTION! Feminisms and the spatialization of resistance, in Lisbon, between 21st and 23rd of April 2021, closed on the 15th of November 2020. We received more than 100 proposals, national and international. The abstracts will now be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and we will contact you again during December.
Thank you!
Online class at Taller de Arquitectura Feminista
The W@ARCH.PT research project coordinator, Patrícia Santos Pedrosa, today she taught an online class at Taller de Arquitectura Feminista (Feminist Architecture Workshop), invited by Plataforma LINA and Carolina Quiroga, from Argentina.
Thanks for the invitation and for the moment to share knowledge!
Visit to the Sacavém Fort
Returning to the archives in these unstable times is a joy for us! With all the precautions and security measures, we met at the Sacavém Fort in order to request support to identify the women architects who will have worked in the old DGEMN - Directorate-General for National Buildings and Monuments and the women architects whose work is listed in this archive.
We thank Dr. Alexandre Oliveira for his generosity and support and we hope to return soon!
The beginning of the research project on Danish women architects
It was with great pleasure that we attended the inaugural seminar of the research project Women in Danish Architecture 1925-1975 – A new history of gender and practice. The event had the participation of international partners as Barbara Penner (Bartlett School of Architecture - UCL, London), Meike Schalk (KTH Stockholm, Sweden) and
Despina Stratigakos (University at Buffalo, USA).
We wish much success for the research!
Dissemination of the W@ARCH.PT project on the ISCSP/University of Lisbon website
We invite you to read this news, "Architecture is also made by women", about the research project W@ARCH.PT on the ISCSP-Univeristy of Lisbon institutional website. Unfortunately it is only available in Portuguese.
We thank Ana Inácio and David Monteiro from ISCSP Marketing and Communication Area!
Susana Torre about "Feminism and Architecture" at FAU-USP
Today we listen the lecture of the architect, academic and critic Susana Torre about "Feminism and Architecture". Susana Torre, a pioneer in the feminist approach to architecture, started the conference with the framework of the "Women in American Architecture: a Historic and Contemporary Perspective" exhibition and book, organized by her in 1977 at the Brooklyn Museummas. Today she presented a retrospective of the past four decades, from this event to the present.
The video is available at the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m71M5KSUh8&feature=youtu.be
It was an immense pleasure to hear it, with such clarity and enthusiasm!
We thank and congratulate the organization of the event by FAU-USP.