Conversation with Nuda/aac - Architecture Students Nucleus

Nuda/aac - Nucleus of Architecture Students, University of Coimbra (, invited researcher Patrícia Santos Pedrosa to talk with the academic community about the research project W@ARCH.PT - Women Architects in Portugal: Construction of Visibility, 1942 - 1986. The event was held through the Zoom platform and moderated by Mara Nogueira.

Thinking and Making Museum(s)

In partnership with University of Beira Interior (UBI) we organized the cicle “Thinking and Making Museum(s)”, which brought together several women architects and researchers as guests: Bárbara Coutinho (MUDE), Emília Ferreira (MNAC), Cristina Veríssimo (CVDB Arquitectos ) and Célia Gomes (ESAD.CR). Patrícia Santos Pedrosa, the W@ARCH.PT coordinator and researcher, moderated the event. Due to the confinement restrictions of early 2021, the event took place on the Zoom platform on March 16th, 17th, 30th and April 6th.

IAWA Symposium: 1x1 – The Potential of the Singular.School of Architecture + Design at Virginia Tech

In March 2021, we had the opportunity to participate in the annual scientific meeting IAWA Symposium: 1x1 – The Potential of the Singular, organized by the School of Architecture + Design at Virginia Tech and the International Archive of Women in Architecture (USA). Each year the symposium showcases research on women in architecture and related fields.

Interview with architect Luísa Brandão

In March 2021, PhD researcher Lia Gil Antunes interviewed the architect Luísa Brandão about her life and professional work, from her role in the SAAL (Local Support Ambulatory Service) teams to her career as a drawing teacher, at several different higher education institutions.

We thank architect Luísa Brandão for her generosity and the time she devoted to this interview. We hope to meet you soon!

Interview with architect Maria Graça Nieto

In March 2021, PhD researcher Lia Gil Antunes interviewed the architect Maria Graça Nieto, about her professional life and work in architecture, urban rehabilitation and urbanism. We also think it is important to mention that, before graduating, Maria Graça was part of the Local Support Ambulatory Service team (SAAL).

We thank architect Maria Graça Nieto Guimarães for her generosity and time devoted to this interview. We hope to meet you soon!

New article: «Luz Valente-Pereira: Architecture, Research, and Life in a Changing Country»

Patrícia Santos Pedrosa and Lia Antunes, researchers of the W@ARCH.PT project, have published the article “Architect Luz Valente-Pereira: Architecture, Research, and Life in a Changing Country” in ex aequo journal, dedicated to the life and work of the LNEC's architect and researcher Luz Valente-Pereira.

The article is available on our Publications page.

Proceedings of the International Congress MORE: Two W@ARCH.PT contributions

Our researchers, Patrícia Santos Pedrosa and Lia Antunes, published one article each through the MORE Congress: Expanding architecture from a gender-based perspective II International Conference on Gender and Architecture. They are, respectively, «From arquitectAs to Matrices —and then to More» and "There is no magic formula! A feminist perspective of space based on the idea of place-making".

The congress was organized by UniFi - School of Architecture of Florence, Italy, between the 26th and 28th of January 2017.

The articles are available on our Publications page.

Image retrieved from

Participation in the cycle of Open Lessons on Geography and Gender in the Global Context (ULisboa)

Patrícia Santos Pedrosa, researcher of the W@ARCH.PT project, participated on March 9, 2021, in the Open Lessons cycle in Geography and Gender in Global Context, in the Master in Human Geography: Globalização, Sociedade e Território, organized by professor Margarida Queirós, from the University of Lisbon.

She presented the lesson “Path of a woman architect. Autobiographical draft of a feminist, between academia and activism”.

We want to thank the invitation and the presence of all the participants!

III Conference 8M “Mujeres en la Arquitectura. Contribuyendo puentes desde miradas inclusivas”

We were invited to participate in the III Jornadas 8M “Mujeres en la Arquitectura. Contributing people from inclusive views”, organized by the UNESCO Chair Paisajes Culturales y Patrimonio and the University of the Basque Country, which took place in March 2021.

Patrícia Santos Pedrosa, researcher at W@ARCH.PT, was able to present “La difícil visibilidad: Mirada hacía las mujeres arquitectas en Portugal” in which she toured the first female architects in Portugal and spoke about her trajectory as a researcher.

The event's program counted on architects such as Ines Moisset, Carolina Quiroga, Eva Álvarez and Carlos Gómez, Daniela Arias Laurino and Verónica Benedet.

The video recording of all presentations is available at:

Entrevista Alexandra Gesta

Interview with architect Alexandra Gesta

IIn early 2021, we got back to the interviews starting with architect Alexandra Gesta. Alexandra shared her personal, academic (ESBAP) and professional path as a technician and later president of the Guimarães City Council, the city where she did most of her work. We highlight the restoration project of the Historic Center of Guimarães, lasting over 25 years, culminating in its classification as Humanity’s Cultural Heritage in 2001. We also think it is important to mention that, before graduating, Alexandra joined the SAAL team (Local Support Ambulatory Service). In 2017, Alexandra Gesta was elected president of the Institute for Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU) (2017-2019) and President of the National Disciplinary Council of the Ordem dos Arquitetos.

We thank architect Alexandra Gesta for her generosity and the time she spared for this interview. We hope to meet each other soon!