Book of Abstracts of the V CIAG ACTION!
Is available the book of abstracts for the V International Congress on Architecture and Gender | ACTION! Feminisms and the spatialization of resistances! It includes a description of this edition of the congress, introductions of the main speakers, the program for the three days of the event, and, of course, the participants' abstracts.
Thanks again to everyone who attended and participated in the Congress!
Book of abstracts available here: warch.iscsp.ulisboa.
Interview with architect Margarida Valla
In July 2021, we interviewed the architect Margarida Valla about her life and professional work as an architect, teacher and researcher in architecture, urbanism and architectural heritage.
We thank architect Margarida Valla for her generosity and time devoted to this interview. We hope to meet you soon!
We also want to thank Roca Gallery Lisboa for providing space for the interview.
Obra Soprema: In conversation with… Patrícia Santos Pedrosa
In June 2021, our Responsible Investigator Patrícia Santos Pedrosa went to the Obra Soprema program to be interviewed by Rui Unas. In the interview she can talk about her professional career and the projects she is part of, including W@ARCH.PT.
We thank the Obra Soprema program for the invitation!
Interview available at:
Participation in the International Congress Optimistic Suburbia 2. Middle-Class Mass Housing Complexes
In June 2021, we participated in the second edition of the Optimistic Suburbia International Congress, Middle-Class Mass Housing Complexes, promoted by DINAMIA’CET, and ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon.
Patrícia Santos Pedrosa presented the work “Thinking dwelling from the shadow: women and the Portuguese housing context”.
More information at:
Interview at Roca Lisboa Gallery
As a result of the organization of the V International Congress on Architecture and Gender, the Roca Lisboa Gallery interviewed, in June 2021, the researcher responsible for W.ARCH.PT, professor at the University of Beira Interior - UBI and investor at CIEG - Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Gender, Patricia Santos Pedrosa.
You can see the interview here:
W@ARCH.PT at the IX Anniversary of CIEG: Gender, Social and Technological Innovation
In May 2021, we were invited to participate in the IX Anniversary of CIEG: Gender, Social and Technological Innovation, at ISCSP (University of Lisbon). Our researcher Patrícia Santos Pedrosa contributed to the panel “Igualdade de Género e Inovação Social” (“Gender Equality and Social Innovation”) with the conference “Metro e sessenta de historiadora na terra dos gigantes” (“One-sixty meters of historian in the land of giants”).
Thanks to all the people who watched and participated!
More information at:
What Women? Seminar. Reflections and Practices.
"What Women?" is one of the 11 thematic axes "What" on which the research (EU)ROPA - Rise of Portuguese Architecture is structured, coordinated by Jorge Figueira and Bruno Gil. The coordinators of the projects "(EU)ROPA" and "W@ARCH", respectively Jorge Figueira and Patrícia Santos Pedrosa, organized and moderated the online seminar What Women? Reflections and Practices, with by Adriana Bebiano, Ana Tostões and Irene Pimentel.
Organization: Center for Social Studies (CES-UC) and Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies (CIEG-ISCSP-ULisboa).
More information at:
V International Congress on Architecture and Gender: ACTION!
The V International Congress Architecture and Gender | ACTION! Feminisms and the spatialisation of resistances (online) brought together more than a hundred people from all continents! It featured the keynote speakers Madhavi Desai, Dina Garzón and Joice Berth, more than 22 parallel session panels, the presentation of the previous edition's publication, and a special session on research projects. We thank all participants and hope it has been an enriching moment of dialogue and sharing. We hope to see you again in future editions of the V CIAG!
More information available:
Action! Special Session: Research Projects
At the V International Congress on Architecture and Gender: ACTION! we were able to have a Special Session on Research Projects. Present as speakers were Anne Hultzsch (ETH Zürich), Eva Alvarez (UPValencia), Svava Riesto (UCopenhaga) and Patrícia Santos Pedrosa (ULisboa and UBI), moderated by Mary Pepchinski (Berlin).
Thanks to everyone who attended this session!
More information is available at:
W@ARCH.PT in the Espaços & Casas | Sic Notícias
W@ARCH.PT was presented on SIC Notícias’ "Espaços e Casas" on. It is an excellent introduction to the project. Besides some of the architects already interviewed, we can also see part of the team on the field, Patrícia Santos Pedrosa, Lia Antunes and consultant José Nuno Pereira. You can see the piece by journalist Maribel Freitas here: